Charles Dance Confesses His Disappointment in Game of Thrones’ Finale

Another one bites the dust, and a new voice joins the loud chorus of people disappointed in Game of Thrones‘ finale. This time, it’s Charles Dance’s turn to confess that he was expecting a bit more from HBO’s hit series. In a recent interview with Pop Culture, Dance — who portrayed the haughty Tywin Lannister — said that he kept on watching the show even after his character’s death, but he also confessed that he was “disappointed” by the series finale.

“I continue to watch the whole series even after I’d been killed off in the lavatory,” the actor said. “Because I just thought it’s a fantastic television show, you know? I was very lucky to be part of it. I loved it; there were storylines [where] I wanted to know what was going to happen to these people! I know that the finale satisfied a lot of people. It also disappointed a lot of people, and I’m afraid I am in the latter camp.”

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The actor went on to add that he would be open to signing the notorious petition titled “Remake Game of Thrones Season 8 with competent writers.”

“Well if there was a petition, I would sign it,” he stated.

In standard times, that petition would not be a big deal. Actually, HBO has dismissed it like nothing ever happened. But we are not living in regular times, and not only because of the whole COVID-19 situation. The upcoming release of the Justice League Snyder Cut set a precedent for do-overs that the television networks and the movie studios might take to heart

Did you sign the petition? Let us know in the comments section below.

Recommended Reading: Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones

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