Damon Lindelof Addresses the End of Watchmen Season 1

Warning: There are massive spoilers ahead for HBO’s Watchmen!

Late last year, HBO’s adaptation of Watchmen built upon Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ comic by telling a new story set 30 years after the original. It also introduced viewers to Angela Abar, a woman who shared an unexpected romance with Doctor Manhattan. During the season finale, Doctor Manhattan seemingly perished. However, he apparently left Angela with the option of inheriting his powers.

Damon Lindelof has already indicated that he has no desire to return for a potential second season. Regardless, Lindelof recently shared his thoughts about Angela’s fate during an interview with ComicBook.

“I don’t want to confirm or deny that she did in fact get Doctor Manhattan’s abilities other than to say that she definitely opted in for them by eating the egg,” said Lindelof. “But I think that, again, to kind of come back to the idea of not just comic book myth, but also very specifically Watchmen, that we get these origin stories.

RELATED: Damon Lindelof Bows Out of Watchmen Season 2

“We want to know why these people put on the mask,” continued Lindelof. “Some of the most memorable parts of the original text are what we call the Old Testament where explaining how Rorschach became Rorschach or how Doctor Manhattan became Doctor Manhattan. We wanted to do the same thing for Angela.”

HBO hasn’t ruled out making a second season of Watchmen. However, there are currently no plans to continue the series in the near future. The first season is out on Blu-ray this week.

What do you think about Lindelof’s remarks? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons

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