Employed by Tony Stark as a butler for many years, Edwin Jarvis is also an Avenger. This status was confirmed by Captain America himself, who said that Jarvis was as much an Avenger as he was. Avengers #11 highlights Jarvis’ importance to the team and why he is numbered among Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Written by Jed MacKay with art by Ivan Fiorelli, Avengers #11 is set in the team’s new base, the Impossible City. Constructed as a prison by an unknown civilization, the sentient space station agreed to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to make amends for its actions serving the Ashen Combine. This prompts Jarvis, and his assistant, Mr. Sweeny, to move in, and instruct the city on the team’s unique needs.

Ever humble, Jarvis speaks with love and respect of his charges. He is modest about his own duties, even as he discusses how “a sandwich could mean the difference between victory and annihilation.” He cares for the Avengers so that they can better care for the world.
Jarvis Does More Than Prepare Avengers’ Meals
When the Impossible City comes under attack, Jarvis is as quick as the Avengers to assess the situation. It is Jarvis who first deduces that the Mad Thinker is responsible. He is also the first to think of tracking the signal the Mad Thinker uses to control his robotic minions. This enables him to administer a mighty beating with the assistance of Mr. Sweeny and the Impossible City. All of this plays out while his superhero employers are occupied fighting the robot invaders.

While he is not a man of action and modest of his achievements, Jarvis is undoubtedly an important part of the Avengers. True, his duties may be focused on monitoring the team’s diet, but Iron Man is quick to note how important that is when you “fly around in an environmentally sealed tin can all day.” Thankfully, Edwin Jarvis is there to make sure an ill-timed gas attack does not doom the world.
Avengers #11 is now available on-line and at comic shops everywhere.