Tony Stark Takes on Ghost In New Iron Man VR Commercial

MCU fans may not realize it, but Ghost was originally introduced in 1987 as an Iron Man villain. On the big screen, Ghost was re-imagined as a woman who went up against Ant-Man and the Wasp.  However, the female Ghost will finally get her shot at Tony Stark next month in Iron Man VR. Sony has also released a new trailer for the game that features Ghost taking the fight to Iron Man in the heart of the city.

Sadly, this is not gameplay footage. Regardless, it does feature a brief moment of the display interface from the game. It also offers gamers a brief taste of what Ghost can do with her intangibility powers. But Stark appears to have the upper hand, thanks to his years of experience and his constantly upgraded armor.

RELATED: Iron Man VR Team on the Challenges of Tony Stark’s World

Naturally, Sony couldn’t resist the implication that the game feels a little bit too real, at least when it comes to the power of Iron Man’s Unibeam.

Iron Man VR will hit Playstation VR on Friday, July 3. The game will also be available as part of an Iron Man VR/Playstation VR bundle that includes the Playstation Move controllers.

What do you think about the challenges faced by the Iron Man VR team? Are you looking forward to playing the game? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Iron Man by Fraction & Larroca: The Complete Collection Vol. 1

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