Melissa Benoist Confirms Returning Cast Members in Supergirl’s Finale

The CW is bidding Supergirl farewell with a visit from a few old friends. Melissa Benoist has confirmed that the series finale will feature appearances by former cast members Chris Wood and Jeremy Jordan. Additionally, Mehcad Brooks will be back one last time as James Olsen.

Technically, Wood and Jordan’s appearances aren’t a surprise. Just two days ago, David Harewood posted an Instagram photo featuring both actors on the set of the final episode. However, this is the first we’ve heard that Brooks (who recently played Jax in Mortal Kombat) was returning as well. The last time Brooks showed up as James/Guardian was in 2019, when his character left National City. And it sounds like having him back on set was a bittersweet experience for all involved.

“It would not have felt right if they hadn’t come back,” said Benoist in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly. “I loved seeing my friends. [Laughs] I loved seeing Mehcad Brooks, I loved seeing Jeremy, I loved having Chris back, obviously. I don’t think it would’ve been a right goodbye if the people who came back hadn’t come back, so I’m very grateful that they did. It’s always difficult to get that many people back in the same place, especially in the pandemic, so I’m really glad it worked out that way.”

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Jordan was a series regular on Supergirl for its first three seasons, playing the role of Winn Schott/Toyman. Although he left the show after season 3, he came back for a handful of guest-starring roles, the latest of which was last year. Meanwhile, Wood (who is also married to Benoist) last showed up as Mon-El in a different episode of season 5.

The next episode of Supergirl airs next Tuesday, August 31 on The CW.

Are you happy to hear that Jordan, Wood, and Brooks are all coming back for the series finale? Let us know in the comment section below!

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