Netflix Release Multiple He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Images

Eternia certainly looks different today. And to show just how different, Netflix dropped nearly 30 new images from the new, kid-focused He-Man and the Masters of the Universe series, following its trailer premiere. Not everything changes: Battle Cat and Trap Jaw, to cite two, look familiar enough to spot. But some of the characters look radically different, and the cast list leaves us to speculate. Are those new-looking villains actually revamps of Tuvar and Baddrah?

RELATED: Watch the First Trailer For the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Reboot

Keldor appears to be able to turn into Skeletor and back at will, without any residual blue skin in human form. And the Sorceress seems to be just one of the gang — another teen transformed alongside Prince Adam and his friends. That would suggest a very different connection to Teela as well, since both characters who typically serve as parental figures now look like the same age as her. For fans who enjoyed the liberties that the She-Ra reboot took with the classic toy-based mythology, this appears to do likewise. To those who thought Kevin Smith departed too far from the key details, this will probably do nothing to appease.

The new He-Man and the Masters of the Universe debuts on Netflix Sept 16. Take a look at the still gallery below for many glimpses at the new Eternia.

What do you make of this drastically different take? Let us know in comments!

Recommended Reading: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Minicomic Collection

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