Rick and Morty Season 5 Trailer 3 Unleashes the Sound of Sabotage

It’s not really like fans needed another trailer to get hyped for more Rick and Morty. But a mere two weeks after the last one, here’s — BURRRRP! — one anyway. And like J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek, it prominently features the Beastie Boys’ “Sabotage.” In the Rick and Morty season 5 trailer 3, the universe’s smartest misanthrope and his grandson appear once again to fall into great peril. Mostly of their own making, presumably.

As in previous trailers, it’s clear one episode will do a Voltron parody. And new supporting characters will riff on Namor the Sub-Mariner and Captain Planet. New to this trailer appears to be a Thanksgiving-themed episode, with Rick and Morty fighting turkey monsters and trashing national symbols with a powerful weapon. And in another clip, the Sanchez family appear to be in hell dressed like Clive Barker Cenobites.

Take a look at the Rick and Morty season 5 trailer 3 below:

RELATED: Rick and Morty Season 5 Gets Official Trailer and Release Date

The new season of ten episodes begins June 20th on Adult Swim. It’s not clear yet if this one will feature a mid-season break. However, if the Thanksgiving-looking episode airs in seasonal timely fashion, a break would make sense.

How do you feel about the new Rick and Morty trailer? Do you need more teasers, or should the episodes just hurry up and air already? Let us know in the comments section.

Recommended Reading: Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons and Dragons

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