Mark Millar Teases Generational Clash in Jupiter’s Legacy Series

Netflix will bring the heroes invented by Mark Millar and Frank Quitely into live-action as soon as the streaming service releases Jupiter’s Legacy. While comic-book fans already know The Utopian and the rest of the Sampson family, the majority of watchers might need some Cliffs Notes for the upcoming superhero series. In a recent interview with The Guardian, Millar teased what fans could expect from the show, which will draw inspiration from other works in the Millarworld.

“People expected it to be like Kick-Ass or Kingsman, which are quite nihilistic, really violent and ironic, whereas this show is very sincere,” he said. “Kick-Ass is a pastiche of superheroes, but Jupiter’s Legacy is a love letter. The big question is: is it ethically correct, if you have the power to save the world, to stand back and do nothing?”

RELATED: Netflix Releases Individual Teasers For Jupiter’s Legacy’s Heroes

The series will develop the never-ending generational clash between parents and children. To put in the author’s words, fans will see the “boomer versus millennial argument” on stage.

“Superman is the best guy you could possibly have but imagine if he was your dad? That’s the idea with The Utopian, who the whole world loves. But what does that mean for your children? Because the pressures are incredible,” he stated.

Having a father who is a celebrity comes with a price. In Chloe’s case, it came with high expectations for her future. Ultimately, her path has been drawn for her at the moment of her birth by her father. However, that might turn against the Utopian.

“The Utopian’s idea with his daughter is, ‘I want you to do what I did and I’m going to choose your path’ – which is the worst thing a parent can do,” he added. “I don’t think you create a healthy individual or a great artist by forcing them to do it. Jupiter’s Legacy is almost like a warning: don’t do this to your kid.”

The series will debut on Netflix on May 7.

What do you expect from the upcoming Jupiter’s Legacy series? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Jupiter’s Legacy, Vol. 1

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