Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Sequel Title and Date Announced

As the third-highest domestic grossing movie of 2020, and a generally satisfying viewing experience, Sonic the Hedgehog was bound to get a sequel. And unlike with the ill-fated Super Mario Bros. live-action movie, it appears the credits tease for a follow-up will indeed get followed up. The newly unveiled logo for the sequel includes an overt visual nod to the involvement of Tails.

Per Paramount press release: “This year, to celebrate the anniversary of the record setting opening of Sonic the HedgehogWe’ve got a groundbreaking, thought-provoking, extremely obvious announcement”

Here it is:

RELATED: Netflix is Developing a Sonic the Hedgehog Animated Series

It appears we have a year and two months to go, which doesn’t seem like a lot for a movie that depends so heavily on animated characters. On the other hand, they’ve already modeled both Sonic and Tails. And so long as they don’t create an accidentally terrifying Knuckles that needs a remodel or something, that may be enough. Despite an early trailer misfire featuring an ugly, toothy Sonic, the first film eventually turned out as one of the better video game adaptations. Although Jim Carrey’s Dr. Robotnik didn’t obtain his full-on classic game appearance until the very end.

What would you like to see in the Sonic sequel? Let us know in comments below!

Recommended Reading: Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 1: Fallout!

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