Spike TV will adapt the successful theatrical franchise Blade, based on the cult favorite Marvel Superhero, as a two-hour, action-adventure, television movie in early 2006. The announcement was made by Spike TV President Doug Herzog. Blade is Herzog’s first original scripted programming announcement since he took over the network earlier this year.
“The action-adventure genre is largely ignored in today’s television landscape, and we know it is something that our male viewers really want,” said Herzog. “Blade is a great movie franchise with an established brand that men already recognize and identify with.”
Blade is the unforgettable legend of an immortal warrior who battles a thriving underworld of vampires seeking to decimate the human race. Half man and half vampire, Blade uses his fierce powers and skills to fearlessly battle the demonic creatures of the night and carry on a blood-drenched crusade to prevent the ascendance of vampires over mankind. The blockbuster film starred actor Wesley Snipes and spawned two sequels. Combined, the films have earned more than $400 million worldwide.
Blade will be produced by New Line Television and Marvel Studios. David Goyer is executive producer. He penned the three screenplays for the Blade trilogy, and produced and directed the last installment of the franchise, Blade: Trinity.
Source: Spike TV