New Updates on the Batman Begins Filming

We’ve got some new items to share with you about the Batman Begins filming in Chicago. First up, here’s ‘ScooperP83’ with word on Sunday’s filming…

Walking down Franklin st. in downtown Chicago last night Sunday, I was able to get some awesome glimpses of filming for the new Batman movie right around the Sears tower near Franklin and Munroe in the wee hours of the morn. I had bumped into the filming accidentally originally after catching some glances of actors trailers parked along Frankling st. After being shuffled around by men in white shirts and power trips, I’d found a prime spot even better then the one I’d been previously moved from. I found myself standing on a corner with a Gotham City squad parked as if blocking the street. All of a sudden I heard “Action” over a walkie talkie and about a block south from where I was standing all of these cars, modern looking cars, come speeding from around a corner, intermixing with Gotham police coming from the other direction. Following all of these cars… none other than the Batmobile itself, coming roaring around the corner loud as heck. It had four bright lights on it that actually looked pretty menacing coming at me down the street. Cars being followed by the B-mobile had to pull to the side of the street. Then the black beauty pulled up right in front of me coming to a screeching halt just a few feet from the Gotham squad parked blocking the street. The Bat mobile sat there for a minute or two after the first run, and after seeing it, i have lost all doubts about this movie. It was actually rather small it seemed, flat black all over with really dark tinted windows, gull wing doors and the tires are HUGE. It was maybe nine feet long, and about five, six feet tall at best. Still really spectacular looking, like a stealth HUM VEE, and did I mention loud. They did this same run about three more times before a lighting crew pushed us back a little, but I still had a good view. I was amazed at how it was actually pretty quiet around the shoot, not a lot of gawkers, just me and a film crew. One of the lighting guys said that he’s seen the principle actors walking around, but they’re doing primarily driving shots throughout the city and will be here through sometime around the 22nd. Also that on the Lower Wacker drive shots, there was actually the flipping of cars going on. That’s cool. Wish I had some cool pictures but I was caught off guard, but if you check the street under the “EL” tracks on Munroe, you can see some pretty awsome batmobile skidmarks.

Speaking of the Batmobile, ‘Beyond’ pointed us to the an article in the NY Times about Batman’s ride. And scooper ‘I Got Nothin’ says…

Here in Chicago, WGN Morning News had a clip of the Batmobile/Tumbler rolling along lower wacker drive, being followed by a couple of police cars. Of course, I didn’t have my VCR rolling, but I’ll watch the News @ Noon to see if they re-play it. Oh hell, I don’t have any way to digitize the tape anyway, so you may just want to put out a heads up.

Source: Superhero Hype!

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