Batman Begins Set, Crew & Location Details!

‘Coley’ and ‘Webakin’ alerted us that Dark Horizons may have some details on the first two days of shooting on Batman Begins.

“Day 1 – They’ve set up about ten small huts and apparently it’s supposed to be a village in Tibet, with more huts to be added by CGI. Yesterday Batman and someone were fighting with swords on the glacier. Tomorrow a magnificent scene will be filmed with Batman and the bad guy fighting while crashing down a steep hill toward a very high cliff. Of course this will be done with some elaborate wire work”.

Day 2 – Liam Neeson has been spotted, he is sporting an Asian looking mustache with a one inch gap in the mustache under his nose. Also Christian Bale has a “one month beard”. As far as I know he has not yet begun wearing the batsuit. He is wearing some leather clothes with a string belt. In one scene Christian Bale was being carried over the shoulder by someone. The buzz is that this is supposed to be the beginning of the movie. Oh and there is an buddist looking temple also”

Meanwhile, ‘Robert’ pointed us to the Reykjavik (capitol of Iceland) tourist board’s official website which has more on the production…

A spokesman for the producers will not disclose where the filming is actually taking place but RUV (National Broadcasting Company) has information that it is near Skaftafell, south-east Iceland.

The film crew counts around 200 people and among the actors are Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes and Christian Bale. Actors Christian Bale and Liam Neeson and director Christopher Nolan arrived yesterday and are expecting to be shooting in one or two weeks.

The Icelandic crew has signed a contract of confidence not to talk about the film or where exactly it’s being filmed. When filming is done here in Iceland, the crew goes to England to film there.

Going back to England, scooper ‘Comic Forever’ has news on fight casting at Shepperton Studios…

Hi, a friend of mine works for a logistics firm and this morning he made delivery to Shepperton Studios! where they are now casting for the fight scenes for Batman Begins. He witnessed over 50 people performing various stunts and fights for the new Batman movie. If the fight scenes he witnessed are anything to go by this film is a must see. They where filming other scenes at the studio so I hope to have more news soon.

Source: Superhero Hype!

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