Warner Bros. Debuts New Superman: Red Son Preview Scene

Later this month, Warner Bros. Animation will release Superman: Red Son, a new animated film based upon Mark Millar and artist Dave Johnson’s 2003 Elseworlds miniseries. Within this world, Kal-El’s rocket landed in the Soviet Union and he embraced their values as Superman. That completely changed the course of DC’s history, and escalated the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviets to a new level.

Warner Bros. has released a new Superman: Red Son preview scene that features a newsreel of Kal-El’s first public appearances. However, the American response is fear mixed with paranoia. The news reader isn’t convinced by the footage. But the Americans will soon learn the hard way that Superman is all too real.

RELATED: Watch Superman: Red Son’s First Trailer

Additionally, Warner Bros. has announced that the world premiere of Red Son will take place on February 24, at The Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood. Several members of the voice cast will participate in the post-screening Q&A. That includes Jason Isaacs (Superman), Diedrich Bader (Lex Luthor), Amy Acker (Lois Lane), Vanessa Marshall (Wonder Woman), Roger Craig Smith (Batman), Phil LaMarr (John Stewart), Sasha Roiz (Hal Jordan), Travis Willingham (Superior Man), and Phil Morris (James Olsen). Executive producer Bruce Timm and director Sam Liu will also be on the panel.

Fans can also RSVP for free tickets by emailing RedSonLAFans@gmail.com. Warner Bros. is requesting that the e-mails should only contain the following info: your name, the number of tickets requested (the limit is four), a valid e-mail address, and where you heard about the event.

Here’s a sample for the body of the e-mail:

Your name

# of tickets requested

Your e-mail

Superhero Hype

Superman: Red Son will hit digital on February 25 before getting a Blu-ray release on April 17.

What do you think about the new preview for Superman: Red Son? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Superman: Red Son

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