The Guest’s Adam Wingard to Direct the Death Note Movie

With the big screen rights acquired by Warner Bros. six years ago, a Death Note movie appears to finally be on the way with The Guest and You’re Next director Adam Wingard at the helm! The Hollywood Reporter has the news, bringing word that Wingard will take on the Manga adaptation after he finishes the upcoming Lionsgate horror project The Woods.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3 writer and director Shane Black was, at one point, attached to the project, which aims to bring to the big screen the 13-volume series previously adapted as both an anime and as a live-action film franchise in Japan.

Written by Tsugumi Ohba with art by Takeshi Obata, Death Note is officially described as follows:

Light Yagami is a genius high school student who is about to learn about life through a book of death. When a bored shinigami, a God of Death, named Ryuk drops a black notepad called a Death Note, Light receives power over life and death with the stroke of a pen. Determined to use this dark gift for the best, Light sets out to rid the world of evil… namely the people he believes to be evil.

Should anyone hold such power?

The consequences of Light’s actions will set the world ablaze.

You can check out the first episode of the popular Death Note anime in the player below, courtesy of Viz Media, and be sure to check back for updates on the new film as soon as they become available.


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