New TV Spot for Hercules, Starring Dwayne Johnson, Debuts

Paramount Pictures has released a new TV spot for Hercules which you can check out in the player below. Directed by Brett Ratner, the July 25 release stars Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane, Rufus Sewell, Joseph Fiennes, Peter Mullan, John Hurt, Rebecca Ferguson, Ingrid Bolso Berdal, Aksel Hennie and Reece Ritchie. The film is based on the Radical Studios graphic novel “Hercules: The Thracian Wars.”

Everyone knows the legend of Hercules and his twelve labors. Our story begins after the labors, and after the legend… Haunted by a sin from his past, Hercules has become a mercenary. Along with five faithful companions, he travels ancient Greece selling his services for gold and using his legendary reputation to intimidate enemies. But when the benevolent ruler of Thrace and his daughter seek Hercules’ help to defeat a savage and terrifying warlord, Hercules finds that in order for good to triumph and justice to prevail… he must again become the hero he once was… he must embrace his own myth… he must be Hercules.


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