It’s a lengthy name with odd punctuation, but perhaps the toys themselves will seal the deal. Nacelle‘s revived Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa is ready to debut, with preorders expected to go live starting April 23rd. This revived former Hasbro line looks like it’s getting a Super7 Ultimates-style treatment, with multiple heads, hands, and accessories on chunky figures, including frosty beverages. The price point remains as yet unannounced. The first wave includes three characters in drastically varying sizes: Marshal Moo Montana, Sheriff TerrorBull, and Cowlamity Kate Cudster.
Ain’t Their First Rodeo
One of many “humanimal” themed properties that sprung up in the wake of TMNT, WWCBOMM had an actual TMNT artist, Ryan Brown, at the creative helm. Nacelle is also working on an all-new animated series, though we’re rooting for a revival of the video game.
The bovine-human hybrids of this line are canonically caused by the arrival of a “cow-met” (yep) which “cow-metized” the locals. Want to know more? Well, per Nacelle’s press release, here are the official bios:
“Sheriff Terrorbull’s evil intentions are as frightening as his terrifying demeanor. Hired by
Mayor Oscar Bulloney, the Sheriff has used his power to commit crimes and expand his
unlawful exploits across the entire mesa. The greedy Sheriff also has an uncanny
resemblance to The Masked Bull, a notorious outlaw who terrorizes the citizens of Moo
“Marshal Moo Montana is the leader of the C.O.W.-Boys, and Cow-Town’s esteemed
Marshal. Montana strives to always live by the Code of the West. As a humble, modest
law cow, Montana has become a beloved figure amongst the Moo Mesa townsfolk.
Cowlamity Kate Cudster is a fiery rancher and owner of the famous Golden Cud Mine.
She’s hardworking and hard-riding, with enough skill to command respect from any Moo
Mesa resident.”
The figures sport 23 points of articulation, and come with everything seen in the images below, though it looks like the cannon may be a separate accessory.