Undoubtedly, the biggest news to come out of San Diego Comic-Con 2024 was that Robert Downey Jr. will return to the MCU as Doctor Doom. The revelation prompted considerable speculation as to how this will come about. This is understandable, as there is a long association between Tony Stark and Victor Von Doom in the comics.
How Iron Man became Doctor Doom in the comics

There are a number of alternate realities where Iron Man adopted the Doctor Doom name or became a similarly tyrannical character. The most notable of these is “Demon in an Armor,” a What If? comic from 2010. This story took place in an alternate reality where Tony and Victor met in college, instead of Victor and Reed Richards. The two trade places, Freaky Friday style, as part of Victor’s scheme to steal Tony’s wealth. Tony, ironically banished to Latveria, takes over the country and uses its resources to save the world from Doom’s schemes.
The Exiles storyline “With an Iron Fist” is another notable example, though this one features an honestly evil Tony Stark as his world’s Doctor Doom. The titular reality-jumpers found themselves in a world where Tony Stark was an anti-Mutant bigot. He used his fortune to accelerate the war between Humans and Superhumans, as part of a larger plan to take over the world.
Another example came in 2004’s Marvel Team-Up. That series’ main villain was a variant of Tony Stark, who adopted the Doctor Doom name after a conflict with the Reed Richards of his Earth. Clearly, there is ample room for a similarly corrupted Iron Man to appear in the MCU as Doctor Doom.
How Doctor Doom became Iron Man in the comics

Conversely, there are stories where Doctor Doom took on the mantle of Iron Man with noble intentions. The most notable of these is 2016’s Infamous Iron Man. where Victor adopted the Iron Man name after Tony Stark’s apparent death. It is possible that the character to be played by Robert Downey Jr. is similarly seeking redemption, using a more-accepted mask. This may seem unlikely given Doom’s infamous pride, yet he has done similar things in the name of honor.
Many characters have worn the Doctor Doom mantle

It should be noted, however, that there are many characters who have worn the armor and title of Doctor Doom. The most famous example in the current comics is the Doctor Doom of the new Ultimate Universe, who is that world’s Reed Richards. Another version of Reed Richards assumed the mantle of his archenemy in the future reality of Earth X. It’s possible that Robert Downey Jr.’s new character is a similar variant.
Is Tony Stark the MCU anchor?

Another interesting possibility was raised by Deadpool & Wolverine. The film introduced the concept of anchors — people so important to a single universe that their death brings about the destruction of that timeline. In this case, the death of Wolverine in Logan caused the Fox X-Men/Deadpool timeline to start falling apart.
The possibility of Tony Stark being a similar anchor could explain some of the inconsistencies of MCU Phase 4. There is drama in the idea of a variant Doctor Doom stepping in to literally take the place of Tony Stark to save the Sacred Timeline. However, the metaphor inherent in Robert Downey Jr. being needed to save the MCU in the wake of Marvel Studios‘ diminishing returns might be too on the nose.
Marvel has a history of recasting actors

It is possible, however, that all this speculation about variants is much ado about nothing. Other actors have played multiple Marvel movie roles before. Chris Evans is perhaps the most famous example, playing Human Torch and Captain America. Ryan Reynolds played two different versions of Deadpool after playing vampire hunter Hannibal King in Blade: Trinity. And before he played Happy Hogan and directed the first Iron Man, Jon Favreau played Foggy Nelson in Daredevil.
Additionally, while he has become synonymous with Tony Stark, Robert Downey Jr. is an amazing actor. Before his comeback as Iron Man, he was renowned for his ability to disappear into his roles. As such, he can easily deliver a performance that will make audiences see him as Doctor Doom rather than Tony Stark.