Barry and Nora struggle to deal with the Weather Wizard's daughter, while Team Flash closes in on Cicada and his…
South Freeland's civil war spills into the rest of Freeland as Black Lightning and Thunder take on Looker and the…
J.K. Rowling's Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald left viewers with a lot to think about, and not all of…
Oliver's release from prison is jeopardized when Diaz makes his move and creates a deadly situation within Slabside itself.
Risk is the word of the week as Supergirl's latest alliance goes awry and Lena struggles while testing her super…
The Doctor and her companions hit medieval England and run into a literal witch hunt, before facing charges of witchcraft…
Daryl, Aaron, and Jesus encounter the deadliest herd they've ever seen as Michonne's icy reception at Hilltop may keep the…
Rachel discovers her birth mother's location, which sends the Titans to an asylum that holds more horrors than they expected.
Six years after the original, Ralph Breaks the Internet has finally been released. But how does this sequel stack up…
The second chapter in the three-part DLC for Spider-Man PS4 has finally arrived, but is Turf Wars worth your time…
South Freeland has a major case of superhuman segregation its hands, exposing a new threat that brings Black Lightning into…
Caitlin's long-awaited reunion makes Cisco suspicious, as Nora bonds with Iris, while Ralph and Cecille search for Cicada's true identity.
The February 2019 Solicitations have arrived, and Marvel's highlights include Wolverine: Infinity Watch, Age of X-Man, and a new Conan…
Team Arrow reunites for a final chance to stop Diaz, as Oliver tries to solve a murder behind bars, and…
Detective Comics #998 and #999 are going to prepare fans for Batman's next milestone, as Mera, the Female Furies, and…
Kara and her allies prepare for a Thanksgiving showdown with the Children of Liberty as the battle for National City…
Michonne and Carol continue their journey toward an unexpected reunion at the Hilltop, but mistrust and regrets may get in…
The Doctor and her friends answer an enigmatic distress call from Kerblam, the biggest automated store store on Kandoka.
Will we ever see some of these superhero spinoffs and remakes? The odds are definitely against them happening anytime soon.
From swinging through the streets of New York City to "Stan-Hulk," these Stan Lee video game cameos will always bring…